Comic-Con Founder Sheldon Dorf, RIP

11/12/09 -- San Diego Comic-Con founder passes away. Where would comics and sci-fi be today without this guy? Thankfully, we will never know.

Photo credit: NY Times

Piiigs innn Jerrrrrrz!

NewComicsDay (Wednesday), Nov. 11, 2009 -- I thank my brother-in-law Jared for alerting me to a comic shop of which I hadn't previously been aware - WildPig Comics II (the original store had been destroyed by a flash flood in '99, hence the "II"). They're about to begin a huge sale (11/14 & 11/15) down there in the wilds of Jerzee, so grab some snacks, some deodorant and your jet pack.

I'm laughing my ass off right now while scanning their web site. Here are some highlights as I smile ear-to-ear while nodding my head in agreement:

WILDPIG COMICS II will NEVER promote or tolerate the following:

* passing off socially dysfunctional, mutated half-humans as courteous, helpful employees and proprietor
* human body odor
* exposed, festering ass crack
* Pokemon, and every other witless trend that removes more comics from your local shop
* dirt, disorganization, and clutter
* crappy new book reservation systems that give you a free bag and board if you're lucky
* having to endure loud, obnoxious, role-playing fuckwits while shopping (sometimes only an expletive can tell it like it is)
* Muzac
* Self important oafs ranting about who makes a better Green Lantern, which Star Trek show is better, and other such weighty philosophical topics that should never take precedence over thinking about how one can find a girlfriend and a life.

I plan on visiting "the sty" very soon - if not for their mohawked pig mascot, then surely for their use of the term "Net" when referring to the Internet (I love slightly outdated geek-speak). Self-aware proprietor Chris is a true geek who has been through the proverbial ringer, and I'm always looking to support such real-life heroes. This guy seems to really get it.

"My Sh*tty Ex-Boyfriend's Rare Comic Books"

DBNCD (Day Before New Comics Day, Tuesday), Nov. 9, 2009 -- Often, breaking up with someone means losing your stuff! Not only that, the added, after-the-fact-responsibility placed on one ex-partner also drives an additional thorny wedge between the two separated sides (probably a good thing). This usually makes for some very entertaining mockery.

I've highlighted my favorite bits from this lovely post, found on Craig's List (of course).

My Shitty Ex-Boyfriend's Rare Comic Books - Best Offer

Seven years ago, I left my ex because he was being a douchebag. We had all this shit in storage, which I've been paying for, and he never even bothered to go and take a look at. Well, now I'm selling a bunch of his shit - including these comic books. I don't know how much they're worth, and I don't have time to find out. I can tell you that they're all in great condition but they're older, like from the 80s, and in these dorky plastic sleeves because god forbid someone gets cooties on them. Are you a comic book geek? Have at it.

Eclipse Comics Lost Planet no. 1 of 6
DC One Batman Too Many no. 403 Jan. 87
DC Superman The Man of Steel The Beast Within! sounds porno-y. no. 4, 5 & 6 oh! and no. 1!
DC Legends nos. 1 & 2
Upshot Flesh & Bones Featuring Dalgoda part 1
DC Demon Book 1 of 4
DC Batman the New Adventures no. 409, 416, 414, 411, 410
First John Sable Freelance no, 59 & 52

There's also a signed series of Star Wars: Episode 1 comic books that has a seal of authenticity, which is sure to make Star Wars nerds cream in your pants. And the first issue is signed and all holography.

I can't blame the girl for trying to sell her ex's old comics. But the irresponsible fanboy wouldn't have left the books behind if they were really worth anything.