Back in the saddle again!


I’m Back! I’m back in the saddle again.

I may be slightly grown-up and a touch jaded, but it feels good to be me, unstoppable drives and all. Time to catch up on some comics.

I've always been a sucker for comic book-based movies. Iron Man was well-executed, and subsequently enjoyed not just by me, but my wife Yael as well. It was better than any of the recent Spider-Man, Hulk or X-Men movies (not to mention vastly superior to recent box office stinkers Fantastic Four, Daredevil, etc.). Iron Man supplemented the big explosions and action with impressive character development; we witnessed Robert Downey, Jr. womanizing, drowning in alcoholism and facing certain death. A real hoot, all around.

Leaving the theater, I begged Yael (who, in my opinion, looks like she was drawn by one of my favorite artists, John Byrne) for a few minutes in Forbidden Planet, the comic shop across the street from the theater. Hey, she had to make a phone call anyway.


I knew that once Yael was off the phone that she'd be coming after me, so I had to hurry. Clutching a handful of current Avengers issues, I waved to Yael as she waded through the fanboys into the store.

“Look at you!” my wife said. “You’re shaking! This stuff is like CRACK for you!”

Yael and Hal

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